College is so dumb. I'm still working on a get-rich-quick scheme. I finally had one, my plan backfired once my car decided to break. If I could win the lottery or win an amazing lawsuit, I would just drop out and do about a million fun odd jobs that I can quit any time I want and didn't have to waste my time and money in college. I really like what I'm doing with myself now. Recaping on my adventures so far this year has made me really content with how I live. Life would be so awesome if it weren't for school and work getting in the way.
Goals for summer:
stay awake for 3 days
drink more water
save up alot of money just in case
decide on a new major
purchase and ride red bicycle
make it to 20
camp all the time
avoid skin cancer
Ps. that picture is me and rebecca sleeping at lake nockamixon after staying up all night for brents triathlon. summer rules