i am a really goofy chick. whoops.
about a half hour ago i got pulled over for "swerving over lines". i think they thought i was drunk because the cop called for back up. i really wasn't doing anything at all, they were just bored. stupid perkasie. 1:30 on a Wednesday night, i guess i get it. anyway i just got a verbal warning and the cop was super nice to me. i got 60 dollars worth of parking tickets in a week too, i should be more careful.
my friend john thinks my blog isnt complex enough, truthfully i only have one cause i really like making lists and organizing my thoughts, even though im not very deep. so on that note...
Things making me happythis super renegade pair of sunglasses i found
i'm realizing how self aware i am
my new coconut lime candle
i lost my ipod and someone returned it to me, so humanity.
no hard feelings (with a small exception)
i re-own wet hot american summer
25 dollar wawa gift card