I feel like these last 2 weeks have really been summer. finally lived the great ocean city dream of pool hopping on the boardwalk. booked a flight to spain, flew a glider above perkasie, completed my summer job, ive just been having an exceptionally good time with my friends.
im making things happen and im proud of it. im getting ready to embark on my next adventure to spain with brent. im really excited to gain some experience in my life. this glider was the first aircraft ive ever been on, so im stoked to spend 11 hours on a plane. my dad thinks i'll get cavity searched and my mom thinks i will be stolen/raped. heres to hoping this isnt a "told ya so" situation.
Newer goals:
1. start going to the movies alone.
2. hot air balloon.
3. master sign language
4. invent something
5. sign up for a game show/ get on a game show
6.find apartment
7. plan a trip to norway or alaska for winter break
8. finish project before october
9. vespa
10. get alot of money.