i saw my kindergarten teacher for the first time in about 10 years today.
she immediately knew who i was and i got to talk to her a lot. she asked me if i still love to draw, i lied and said yes and she told me "you just had such a different eye" and continued telling me how talented of a kid i was. and then i remembered how much i loved art and animals and how sure everyone was that id be that way forever. i dont think 5 year old leigh would be too happy with 19 year old leigh.septembers half way over and i think everyone can agree that this has been one shit storm of a month. everything that could go wrong did. a lot of people got hurt, everyones been stressed. i have high hopes that october will bring everyone some peace of mind. everyone tends to get happier in sweater weather.
the start of a new school year always sucks and is always really stressful. but everyone sort of eases into it.
Oct. will be awesome cuz you get to dress up and its my birthday so get me something sweet! ha i love you and i miss you! damnit i need you!
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