today i was informed that the world could end tomorrow...or today because its past midnight. shit.the atom-smasher. built to discover the god particle. tricky thing is with this machine is that it could potentially form black holes powerful enough to destroy the earth. so the only way we can find how we were created is risking the end of time. its pretty ironic. i dont think the worlds gonna end, but i dont think i want to know how matter was created enough to sacrifice my life.
if the world was to end tomorrow i dont know how id feel about my life. ive never even been on a plane before. im not afriad of dying but id like a say in the matter.
i need a new atmosphere.
hahaha we've been trying to work on that for quite some time now!!! also, ghost world is excellent.
who blogs on facebook anyways?
Ok so if the world ends can we break out some law chairs, sit out on your front law drink some root-beer,and watch it all go down.
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