Monday, September 29, 2008

"im lookin' for my missin' piece!"

i love when my weekends turn out to be more eventful than i anticipated.
i only spent an hour saturday making complete strangers days. im getting good at my job, it feels good. except im still not making any money and i am infact 9 dollars in debt. could be worse.
spent the rest of day saturday traveling with my all in a year friends around the stroudsburg/kingston area. having fun.

i finally got to see kerri on sunday. i missed her so much, its such a weird feeling because ive never been without her. shes like my little wedge that makes me whole like in that shel silverstein story.sunday morning i did my weekly visit to elisa at the bp after i packed kerri some things. after elisa was done working we scored some free pizza and headed to west chester.had probably the most pleasant day ive had in weeks. exactly what i wanted.

today i took a bike ride with andy around parts of bedminster i didnt really know. with all the farms and fields it reminds me of europe. i like where i live better now.i feel more encouraged to travel and explore. while flying down this boss hill a bug went directly into my eye. parts of it are still there and it hurts like a bitch. john came over for our weekly 90s movie. tonight it was clerks. everytime i watch that movie i still get surprised about how deep most of the lines are.

the leaves are changing. i am happy.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

i want to make me proud

i saw my kindergarten teacher for the first time in about 10 years today.
she immediately knew who i was and i got to talk to her a lot. she asked me if i still love to draw, i lied and said yes and she told me "you just had such a different eye" and continued telling me how talented of a kid i was. and then i remembered how much i loved art and animals and how sure everyone was that id be that way forever. i dont think 5 year old leigh would be too happy with 19 year old leigh.

septembers half way over and i think everyone can agree that this has been one shit storm of a month. everything that could go wrong did. a lot of people got hurt, everyones been stressed. i have high hopes that october will bring everyone some peace of mind. everyone tends to get happier in sweater weather.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

if the world ends tomorrow

today i was informed that the world could end tomorrow...or today because its past midnight. shit.the atom-smasher. built to discover the god particle. tricky thing is with this machine is that it could potentially form black holes powerful enough to destroy the earth. so the only way we can find how we were created is risking the end of time. its pretty ironic. i dont think the worlds gonna end, but i dont think i want to know how matter was created enough to sacrifice my life.
if the world was to end tomorrow i dont know how id feel about my life. ive never even been on a plane before. im not afriad of dying but id like a say in the matter.
i need a new atmosphere.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

"to be honest with you"

lately every person i talk to uses this phrase. "to be honest with you" drives me crazy and heres why: using it too much suggests that everything else you say is a lie. some people say it so much its like a tick to them. its almost as bad as when people say "not gonna lie", the thing about that phrase is that jock-girls tend to say it the most its crazy.

im naturally feeling shitty lately but its just a normal phase that comes with the first week of school. im less concerned about the girls giving me shit looks in class and more concerned about financial aid and shit i should know how to take care of by now. everyones in a funk lately, its a depressing time. everyone i talk to seems to have a pretty legit excuse for being miserable, which make the people without excuses worse.

these bad moods can be cured.